Monday, October 07, 2013

Close Encounter With a Ghostly Presence

It is difficult to convince the average person about the reality of a paranormal phenomenon, such as spirits of the dead (popularly known as ghosts) appearing to living persons or visiting a place they used to live or work in, unless one has had a personal or eyewitness encounter with them.
During a seminar I recently conducted for a textbook publishing company in Quezon City, my secretary Desdy Hadjula, who was not a firm believer in ghosts, experienced something extraordinary. She actually encountered a ghost while meditating with her eyes closed.
This is how she recalled the story to me. “During the passive meditation, I sat on the sofa; beside Lavern (my wife’s caregiver whom I brought along to assist in the seminar), there were only two of us sitting there.

“While meditating, I could see my surroundings although my eyes were closed. Then somebody, a man, sat beside me on my right side. He was wearing black colored slacks and black shoes. I did not look at his face because I thought he was just one of the employees attending the seminar.
“When I opened my eyes to wait for your signal to stop the music at the end of the meditation, I saw that only Lavern and me were sitting on the sofa.”
Desdy said she found it strange because she distinctly saw and felt another person sit beside her.
“During the lunch break, I told Lavern what I saw during the meditation. I wanted to ask the secretary of Ms Necy, the president and owner of the company, if there were any employees who had just died, but I hesitated to do so because they might think I was merely imagining things.”
But Lavern asked anyway. The president’s secretary confirmed that they had an employee who just died of cancer two days before and that his body was still at the wake. Yes, he was wearing black pants and black shoes.
When I forwarded the story to the company president, she replied: “Yes, Jimmy, my secretary mentioned it to me. That employee has been with me for the last 23 years. He is so attached to the office, that’s why he still can’t seem to move on.”

First time
This was the first time Desdy has ever encountered a spirit of the dead at close range, that was confirmed by people who knew the dead person.
Desdy asked me, “How come I distinctly felt and saw the ghost very clearly, although my eyes were closed?”
I explained to her that her “Third Eye” or clairvoyant vision, is now open and therefore she could see spirits unseen by ordinary people.
I told her that we don’t see spirits with our physical eye but with our spiritual eye. That’s why even if our physical eyes are closed, we can still see spirits. I told her that I myself have twice seen spirits of the dead while my eyes were closed.
That’s why I find it quite amusing when people tell me they cover their eyes with a pillow or with a bed sheet when they see a spirit in their rooms. That doesn’t work. They will see the ghosts even with eyes tightly shut or covered.
“Then why do the spirits or ghosts disappear when we open our eyes?” some have asked me.
Because their brainwaves shifted from the alpha or theta wave to the beta or waking state, thereby disrupting the connection. The two vibrations or frequencies (of the spiritual and physical) are no longer in sync.
Here is a question from an Inquirer reader, Daisy Madela, related to ghosts and reincarnation. “If reincarnation is true, then why are there ghosts still roaming around? Why have they not reincarnated?”
This is because a spirit does not necessarily reincarnate or come back immediately after death. Sometimes a spirit may need or may choose to stay in the spirit world for a while in order to learn lessons from his spirit guides before reincarnating back to earth. Or a spirit may be so earthbound that his consciousness is still focused on the earth plane and cannot move on.
Now, once a person has had a very close encounter with a ghost, such as what happened to my secretary, his or her consciousness will never be the same again.

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