Sunday, October 13, 2013

Justin Bieber Assaults Tour Manager at South Korea Nightclub

Another late night scuffle? Justin Bieber is being accused of assaulting DJ Michael Woods' tour manager, Alex Madden, during a night out at a club while in South Korea.

The party's host, Ben Baller, admitted to TMZ that a heated exchange began when Bieber requested hip hop music, but it stopped before any punches were thrown. On the contrary, Woods is claiming that Bieber did in fact throw a cheap shot at Madden during the scuffle.

"Story is @justinbieber + his army of heavy security muscled in to the booth half way thru my set in S. Korea demanding hip hop," the artist tweeted early Saturday morning. "So when I told @justinbieber to f-ck off and put some clothes on he took a cheap shot at my tour manager and fled behind a wall of security."
He then retweeted a comment from famous DJ and EDM artist deadmau5 that read: "Dear @justinbieber, would you please grow the f-ck up already? In the meantime, put a shirt on, and stay away from nightclubs." 

Either way, Bieber, 19, seemed to get his way. When Woods wrapped his set at the end of the night, the "Heartbreaker" singer was spotted getting behind the turntables -- shirtless -- to play some hip hop.
Two months ago, Bieber was the center of a similar dispute when he was attacked by a patron at a Toronto nightclub. In late August, a male charged at the "Boyfriend" singer when he stepped out of his VIP section, but security immediately rushed in to manage the situation.

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