Saturday, October 26, 2013

Kim Kardashian To Walk Down The Aisle With Late Robert Kardashian'sSpirit Instead Of Bruce Jenner??

First, he wasn't invited to Kim Kardashian's big proposal, now he's not even going to walk her down the aisle?!
Hm, maybe the reality starlet is being superstitious since her last marriage did fail and Bruce Jenner was the man who walked her down the aisle!
That's probably not the reason, but an insider spilled:
“Kim is planning on walking down the aisle alone because it’s her third wedding and being 33, she feels silly having someone give her away.
It would make no sense for her devoted stepdad — who walked her down the aisle when she married Kris Humphries — to perform the ritual again, since he recently split from Kris.”

We agree, it could be totes awkward if the former lovahs were to reunite at Kimmy's wedding, but hey!
It's Kimye's day, Kris and Bruce are just attendees to theextravaganza!
“But of course Kim still wants Bruce there cheering her on at her next wedding if possible.
And Kim’s late father, Robert Kardashian, will be there in spirit as she glides down the aisle on her own.”
So, it looks like Kim could be walking down the aisle solo!
Unless you believe her father will be there with her spiritually!
That could be another way to honor her deceased father and include him in the wedding!

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