Thursday, October 24, 2013

Lindsay Lohan Seen Reaching For The Boozy Bottle! Is The Actress Sipping Her Way Back Into Trouble?!

lindsay lohan liz and dick drinking

It looks our nightmares that Lindsay Lohan would relapse have become a scary reality!

We were pleasantly pleased to report that LiLo still seemed sober nearly three months after her sixth rehab stint, but just after reportedly firing her sober coach a photo has surfaced of the troubled starlet very clearly reaching for a bottle of wine.

The actress thought she was in the privacy of her own home as she prepped to take a swig from her NYC digs, but silly girl forgot to close the blindsWe'd think that such a paparazzi fave would know better!

But more importantly, we were really hoping she had FINALLY learned her lesson about sobrietyEven Oprah is rooting for her! Guess our dreams of a new and improved Linds need to be swallowed like that irresistible alcoholic beverage! *SIGH*

Source: Perez Hilton

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