Wednesday, October 30, 2013

Miley Cyrus' Behavior Has Her Church Pastor Receiving Hate Mail!

miley cyrus pastor tongue
H8ers gonna H8, but they are also apparently going to write some nasty letters!
And then send them to a priest!
According to Miley Cyrus' church pastor Dave Roberts, his mail box is FULL of angry notes from people who think his former parishioner has gone too far!
Pastor Roberts explained:
"We’ve gotten hate mail over the years, because that’s how people are. My thought on that is it’s easy to criticize until you’ve lived in the pressure of it."
Miley is not a member of Pastor Roberts' congregation anymore but her parents Billy Ray and Tish Cyrus remain close to him. Even though she's no longer attending his services, Roberts still sticks up for Miss Miley and has even RESPONDED to some of the letters he's received!
He shared what he's told some of Miley's harshest critics, saying:

"I usually write them back to say, ‘You’re talking about a young girl, maybe your prayer and support would be more valuable then your critique… you can’t imagine the pressure (she’s under)."
Pastor Roberts also wants Miley to know his church doors will always be open to her, but he's quick to point out that he has no advice to offer until she asks for it herself. Roberts said:
“If she ever needs help, she can know I’m here for her. The danger of giving people advice when they’re not asking is you may be giving them advice they don’t want. I think my role in that is I speak when I’m spoken to, so if she wants my advice she can come and ask me and I’ll offer it to her.”
Until then, he'll keep trying to convert all of these h8ers into Smilers, one letter at a time!
Source: Perez

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