Monday, November 18, 2013

Alec Baldwin Writes About His Homophobic Slurs & The Fight For HisFamily’s Security In A Blog

alec baldwin writes blog defending actions against paparazzi
If you want people to know how you really feel, then might as well tell them yourself!
Alec Baldwin has been in the news a lot recently for his run-ins with the paparazzi, using homophobic slurs and his show getting cancelled as a result.
Well, he wanted a chance to tell the story from his point of view, so he wrote a very long blog!
In it, he writes first about allegedly using the six-letter F word:
“I think it is important to note, in light of recent events, a couple of clarifications.
One is that I never used the word faggot in the tape recording being offered as evidence against me. What word is said right after the other choice word I use is unclear. But I can assure you, with complete confidence, that a direct homophobic slur (or indirect one for that matter) is not spoken. In the wake of referring to a tabloid "journalist" as a toxic queen, I would never allow myself to make that mistake again, nor would I expose my wife and family to the attendant ridicule.

My friends who happen to be gay are baffled by this. They see me as one who has recently fought for marriage equality and has been a supporter of gay rights for many years. Now, the charge of being a "homophobic bigot," to quote one crusader in the gay community, is affixed.”
Then Alec went on to explain how canceling his MSNBCspecial hurts other people who aren’t involved in his dramz and how that isn’t right. Then the 30 Rock actor added about 100 words on why he loves that network more than any other.
His final points were that Alec donated over half of hisCapital One paycheck to charity, and finally that he fears for his family's safety:
“Additionally, the press never turns the camera around on themselves. Least of all the tabloid press. My wife is a young mother with a newborn child. Yet reporters harass and hector her and our baby outside our home in ways that approximate a hockey brawl. It is shameful. And it should be illegal... This country's obsession with the private lives of famous people is tragic. It's tragic in the sense that it is so clearly a projection of people's frustration about their government, their economy, their own spiritual bankruptcy. You have no voice in Washington. In Washington, or in any statehouse, no one actually cares what you think. So you post online, you vote with a Roman-esque thumbs up or down on the celebrity debacle of the day. That is your right. It's also fatal misdirection of your voice and need to judge. Occupy Wall Street, on their worst day, had more integrity than the comments page of this website ever will.”
Some strong words right there! It’s the age-old catch 22 though because if he wasn’t famous people wouldn’t care what the Baldwins were up to.
To wrap it all up, Alec finished with:
“Two requests. Don't allow my problem to be MSNBC's problem. They are good people who work hard at a job, just like many of you. And two, please respect the privacy of my wife and family. If you have an opinion of me, then express it. Think what you like. But I ask that my wife, who I care about more than words can say, and both my children, be left out of this.”
Maybe the paparazzi can just give him and his family space for awhile and then all of this will go away.
But not what he said, because once it's out there, you can’t take it back. Those words will always be with Mr. Baldwin, and that's unfortunate.
[Image via WENN.]

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