Sunday, November 10, 2013

Bereaved Mother Baked 96,000 Cookies To Raise Millions For CancerResearch!!!

bereaved mother baked 96000 cookies to raise millions for cancer research
This is heartbreaking and inspiring all at the same time!
A mother from Califon, New Jersey named Gretchen Holt-Witt was the mother of an amazing young boy named Liamwho lost a battle with neuroblastoma, a form of nerve cancer.
But right before the mother and her family lost their loving son - they all did a baking sale to raise money for pediatric cancer research.
They ended up baking 96 THOUSAND cookies, and raised over $400,000!!!
The huge sale helped the grieving family launch the charityCookies For Kids' Cancer which, after five years, has raised $5 million for pediatric cancer research and treatment.
Here's what Gretchen Holt-Witt recently said:

"There aren't that many treatment options for kids because pediatric cancers get the short end of the funding stick. Helping others is what allows me to cope."
The charity also helps her daughter Ella cope with losing her only brother. The mom said:
"Missing her brother and losing her only sibling will never go away. But Cookies is an outlet for her, because she feels like her bothers life had meaning and wasn't in vain."
The organization has helped a lot of young cancer patients, and will continue to do so for a long time.
This is truly a miraculous story!
And just goes to show you that even at one's lowest moment in life - there's always a little bit of hope for future happiness.
[Image via Twitter.]

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