Saturday, November 23, 2013

Chris Brown’s mom breaks her silence on his bad behavior


Chris Brown’s mom, Joyce Hawkins, is under the impression that his friends have steered her son in the wrong direction. According to close sources of the Brown family, Mama Brown thinks Breezy’s friends got him hooked ondrugs and introduced him to the thug life.
The two always seemed to have a close relationship, but as of late, things appeared to get rocky. Just recently, it was reported that Breezy chucked rocks at his mom’s car in an angry fury.

According to sources, Chris’ mom believes that his crew are nothing but leeches who are only around him for his fame and fortune. Not only that, but she honestly thinks that his love for pot was a byproduct of peer pressure from his crew.

We’re told the pot smoking got so bad … Chris was regularly stoned around his own mother … and she got fed up with his disrespectful behavior. All these longstanding issues boiled over when she visited him in rehab and urged him to stay in treatment … and we all know how that turned out.
You know what they say….mama knows best. Hopefully, with Chris being readmitted into inpatient rehab, things will soon turn around.


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