Sunday, November 17, 2013

JFKs brain's Missing Amid Fears it was Stolen in Macabre Plot to hide truth about assassination

1963: First Lady Jackie Kennedy climbing over car in desperation
1963: First Lady Jackie Kennedy climbing over car in desperation
John F Kennedy’s brain is missing amid fears it was stolen in a macabre plot to hide the truth about who shot the US president 50 years ago this week.
JFK’s bullet-shattered brain mysteriously vanished – believed to be stolen by his brother – from archives in Washington after the assassination that rocked the world on November 22, 1963.
Now official photos of it have been exposed as FAKES .

The riddle is frustrating experts trying to answer questions that still surround the killing: who fired the fatal shot – and why?
The official version, contained in the Warren Commission report, says lone shooter Lee Harvey Oswald hid in a book depository and blasted Kennedy in the back of the head as his motorcade swept through Dallas, Texas.
But conspiracy theorists argue that Mafia bosses ordered the president killed as a reprisal for a crackdown on crime. Some versions even implicate the CIA.
And it is claimed the bullet was fired not from behind but from the front – by another gunman on a roadside grassy knoll.
Where the shot was fired from could be settled by examination of JFK’s brain, which was preserved, or of the autopsy photographs.
But the brain disappeared in what is said to be a top level cover-up organised by the president’s brother Bobby Kennedy.
And the Sunday People can reveal a congressional inquiry said official photos are NOT of Kennedy’s brain but of someone else’s.
Historians are now pressing for the release of millions of ­classified FBI documents on its investigation of the killing.
The shocking possibility that the popular and charismatic ­president was killed on the orders of powerful enemies gathered strength after a government-appointed group looked at the evidence.

Harold Wilson with President John F Kennedy
Alive: Harold Wilson with President John F Kennedy


Unable to find the shattered brain itself, the Assassination Records Review Board checked photos taken of it shortly after Kennedy was rushed to hospital.
Douglas Horne, the board’s chief analyst, is certain the brain in the pictures is not JFK’s.
It shows much less damage than Kennedy really sustained – footage of the horrifying moment show his wife Jackie scrambling on to the boot of their limo to scoop brain matter in her hand.
Doctors told reporters immediately afterwards that they thought JFK was shot from the front, not from behind.
If they were correct, the autopsy photos should support this conclusion.
Horne said: “I am 90 to 95 percent certain that the photographs in the archives are not of President Kennedy’s brain.
“If they aren’t, that can only mean there has been a cover-up of the medical evidence.”
Intriguingly, it was Kennedy’s family who handed the brain ­photos to the National Archives.
And Bobby Kennedy, Attorney General at the time and later assassinated himself, is named as the number one suspect in a new book about the missing brain.

President John F. Kennedy and Mrs. John F. Kennedy, and Texas Governor John Connally ride through Dallas moments before Kennedy was assassinated
Last moments: The ride through Dallas before Kennedy was assassinated

In End Of Days: The Assassination Of John F Kennedy, James Swanson says the brain was stored in a stainless-steel container in a secret service office.
In 1965 it was sent to the National Archives. But when archivists checked six months later, the brain was gone from a secure room.
Also missing were 84 slides of the brain and boxes full of Kennedy’s body tissue.
Bobby had told staff that nobody was allowed to see the brain without his written permission.
A Congressional committee report concluded: “Circumstantial evidence tends to show Robert Kennedy either destroyed these materials or otherwise rendered them inaccessible.”
But all the key players in the killing and its aftermath are themselves dead.
Oswald was gunned down by Jack Ruby while in ­custody and Bobby Kennedy was murdered in Los Angeles in 1968.
The answers may now never be known – unless the president’s brain is found

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