Wednesday, November 06, 2013

Lindsay Lohan Is A "Totally Drunk" Boyfriend Stealer!

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The old Lindsay Lohan is BACK.
Or so we're being told...
Not only is Lindsay supposedly cheating on her sobriety, but she's helping apparently someone else cheat too!
It was reported, but vehemently denied that LiLo and Miley Cyrus were in a love triangle with Ralph Lauren modelMorgan O'Connor. However, new sources are coming forward to share that the reality of LiLo's love connection may be far worse than previously reported!

According to the latest whispers around town, the hard partying vixen has been getting hot and heavy with 18-year-old for months.
We'd be totez happy for her except for one little snag — Morgan's GF Chiara DiGiallorenzo!
A source spilled:
“All of Chiara’s friends are telling her that Morgan cheated on her with Lindsay but he’s denying it. Chiara flew home to be with him on her fall break from college. That’s when she discovered text messages from Lindsay on his phone. It read, ‘I don’t want to leave you. Don’t kiss any other girls please.’ Chiara was furious. She confronted Morgan, who admitted that they were involved and promised to break it off with Lindsay. He supposedly fired off a message to her in front of Chiara. He supposedly ended it, once and for all — and recommitted to his relationship with Chiara. Morgan told Chiara that he sent a text message to Lindsay and he told her he didn’t want to hang out with her because she was bringing him down. The message apparently said, 'I can’t see you anymore. I have a very serious girlfriend who I love very much. I’m very sorry and honestly quite angry that I ever had anything with you, you are the epitome of trash and the world knows it. I just wanted to let you know to never contact me again and I never ever want to see you again.'”
Yeesh! Poor LiLo!!!
Then again, she does have a knack for putting herself in these kind of situations.
Maybe if she wasn't seemingly boozing up, she would be able to make better judgment calls??!
Anyway didn't she learn a thing or two from when she tried to steal Aaron Samuels from Regina George??
...Oh wait, that was scripted. LOLz!

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