Saturday, November 16, 2013

New Site Promises to Permanently Delete Lies About You From the Internet

This Site Promises to Permanently Delete Lies About You From the Internet
An online reputation management service is claiming that its new proprietary software can scrub the Internet clean of lies about you. has yet to reveal the technology behind its big promise but its president, Michael Zammuto, told VentureBeat that its “patent-pending De-Indexing Action Plan is the first turnkey process that can permanently erase misleading content from Google, Yahoo, and Bing’s search algorithms.” 
“No one else in the online reputation management industry offers this conveyor-belt style de-indexing service,” he said.
There is a veritable industry built around existing online reputation management services that promisse to clean up a person or company’s digital profile. However, most tend to rely on burying negative search results by flooding the Internet with positive, search engine optimized content; permanently deleting unflattering results is an incredibly ambitious prospect that could prove to be a game-changer. If it works, that is.
[via BeatBeat]

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