Thursday, November 14, 2013

Prison Break Star Wentworth Miller opens up about suicide attempts over sexuality

Wentworth Miller
Wentworth Miller

[Mirror] Resident Evil: Afterlife actor Wentworth Miller has opened up about his suicide attempts over his struggle to accept his sexuality. He has stated that his "scars are medals," after publicly coming out as gay in August.
The actor revealed his true sexuality in response to Russia's anti-gay legislation, after declining an invitation to the St. Petersburg International Film Festival in a stand against homophobia in Russia.
In an open letter, he wrote: "The situation is in no way acceptable, and I cannot in good conscience participate in a celebratory occasion hosted by a country where people like myself are being systematically denied their basic right to live and love openly."
Miller was praised by LBGT rights activists for his stance.
Shortly afterwards, the actor revealed that he attempted suicide several times in his teenage years because he felt like "damaged goods" and a "target".
After being named Newsmaker of the Year in OUT magazine, the 41-year-old stated that his determination lies in his survival and telling his tale should act as an inspiration to others in a similar position.
He said: "What I would say to that younger self — what I’d say to anyone who’s walked a similar road — is to focus less on the fact that you nearly ended your life and more on the fact that you survived, that you lived to tell the tale. And then tell it."
He also added: "I'd say, ''What you think of as scars are medals. They're badges of honour, testifying to something inside you that is determined and tenacious and enduring.'"
The OUT 100 issue will be available on November 19.

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