Wednesday, November 13, 2013

Saudi Rapper Stirs Up Muslim Anger For Using X-rated Lyrics

recently came across an interview regarding a Muslim rapper from Saudi Arabia named Skinny who had moved to Los Angeles to pursue a career in music, and in doing so has managed to upset a lot of Saudi’s and Muslims due to his controversial content, behavior and look. I agreed to meet up with Skinny out at a studio in Glendale, CA while he was working on his debut album Ghetto Disneyland to see what the controversy was about and to hear this young man’s unusual story.

It turned out to be an interesting tale about Hip-Hop and its effect in other parts of the World dominated by traditional Cultures, one’s that aren’t necessarily open to the type of influence, power and expression that Hip-Hop can bring. Is the Arab Muslim world ready for an artist like Skinny? Is America ready too? Well ready or not, he’s coming.

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