Monday, November 25, 2013

The 20 Kinds Of Lovers That Exist In The World

While there are many subtle hints of different types of lovers in us all, there's one kind of lover that sticks out and defines us for the kind of lover we are and that's the way your lover and the rest of the world would see you.
Do you ever wonder what kind of lover you are or what kind of lover you are dating?
Use these 20 kinds of lovers to find out just what kind of a lover you are, and what kind of a lover your partner is.

1. The giver. This is the selfless lover who constantly gives in the relationship, usually because they believe they're not good enough for the relationship or their partner, or they believe they don't provide enough value to the relationship and try to compensate for it by giving more towards the relationship.
2. The taker. This is the kind of partner who constantly takes in the relationship *always wants things their own way*. This person believes they bring so much into the relationship just by their mere existence that they don't need to do anything at all to make their partner happy. People who think of themselves as a trophy usually end up as this kind of a partner.
3. The pleaser. This kind of a lover goes out of their way to please their partner. Call it unconditional love or pleasing love, but just watching their lover smile makes this person happy and fulfilled. They get pleasure out of pleasing their partner, even if it means giving up on something they want or like.
4. The controller. The controlling lover appears very caring and loving, and seems extremely attentive to your needs. But somewhere along the way, you may start to feel stifled and suffocated by their subtle demands or restrictions. They use manipulation and emotional blackmail to make you dependent on them, and before you know it, you feel trapped and isolated from the rest of the world.
5. The selfish lover. This kind of a lover always thinks twice before giving something or doing something nice for their lover. They always ask themselves "what's in it for me?" before they do anything. And they *discreetly* want the bigger or better thing all the time, be it the bigger slice of pizza that both of you pretend not to notice, or while making plans for the next vacation.
6. The doubter. This kind of a lover never completely trusts you. You always have to go out of your way to make them feel secure and happy in the relationship. They feel threatened by your friends, or by anyone else who seems to give you the slightest hint of attention. They constantly doubt you or sneakily try to snoop around in the hope of catching you red-handed.
7. The actor. The actor is a tricky person to read, because they behave like they really care about you when you're around. They constantly try to show just how concerned they are about you and your happiness, they ask you if you want something, but in reality, they don't ever do anything to make you feel better. It's all talk and no trousers.
8. The drama seeker. This kind of a lover wants to experience something new all the time, be it a fight or a romantic getaway. They don't like comfort or monotony. They'd rather pick a petty fight or do something dramatic than just let the relationship go along its calm course.
9. The straying lover. This kind of a partner gets bored very easily and they always want more. They may seem excited for the first few months of the relationship, but as soon as the infatuation stage passes by, they get distant or boring. And they'd seem more interested in impressing someone else.
10. The overlooker. This kind of a partner sees your flaws, but they choose to overlook them or put up with them because they don't want to change anything in the relationship. They'd rather be a punching bag who deals with their partner's affairs or lack of affection by turning a blind eye to it, rather than confront or walk away from it.
11. The helper. The helper constantly tries to help their partner become better, either by supporting them or criticizing them. They find their own meaning to life or happiness in life by supporting their lover and helping them achieve something. This kind of a partner behaves like a martyr who sacrifices their desires to help their partner achieve theirs, but they always remember the sacrifices. And at times, they may even use it to emotionally manipulate their lover.
12. The compromiser. This kind of a lover doesn't mind giving in for the happiness of the relationship. They give in easily in any argument or discussion just to please their partner, or avoid a fight. They may seem like they have no desires or wants, and are happy to accept the decisions of their partner.
13. Possessive lover. The possessive lover may love you a lot, but they have a very hard time trusting you. They constantly feel like everyone else in the world is out to separate the both of you, and every person of the opposite sex is trying to hook up with you. This kind of a partner may love you, but they have a hard time trusting you unconditionally.
14. Jealous lover. Does your partner ever feel jealous of your success or your achievements? The jealous lover may love you a lot, but they always want what you have, or more. If you buy a few new expensive perfumes, your jealous lover would want to buy perfumes too. And if you get promoted at work, your partner may start sulking about how under-appreciated they are at work even if they never felt that way before you got your promotion!
15. Material lover. This kind of a lover is more focused on wealth and luxuries than anything else. They want everything the material world has to offer, and they don't care what their partner does *behind their back* as long as they have money and the good life.
16. The loyal lover. A loyal lover is the one who sticks with their partner through thick and thin. They have moral principles and they don't go looking for opportunities to cheat on their partner. They're emotionally and sexually satisfied and don't stray at the first stolen opportunity.
17. Passionate lover. This type of lover is almost always on a sexual high. They're extremely passionate and are proud of their sexual prowess. They spend a lot of time making love, and they love having a good time in bed and pleasing their partner. They're full of passion and they can't imagine a life where sexual intimacy takes second place behind anything else.
18. Brooding lover. The brooding lover is the kind of lover who's lost in their own world almost all the time. They want space and love being by themselves for several hours, and at times, they may even get annoyed if they don't get enough space to be by themselves. They're distracted or lost in thoughts, and even if they seem happy in the relationship, they almost always seem bothered by something.
19. Enthusiastic lover. They're always enthusiastic and love trying new things all the time. They're not boring, and at times, they're even reckless. They love creating memories and are always involving their partner to try a new experience all the time.
20. The romantic lover. This kind of a lover is a true romantic. They woo you and impress you with romantic gestures all the time. They're really sweet and loving, and don't miss any opportunity to display a grand gesture of love and romance!
So which of these 20 kinds of lovers do you see in yourself and your partner?

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