Sunday, December 01, 2013

Ethan Hawke: Humans are “Not Monogamous,” Relationships Can’t Be BuiltOn “Sexual Fidelity”

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Ethan Hawke questions conventional relationship values in the November issue of Mr. Porter’s, telling the magazine, “Sexual fidelity can’t be the whole thing you hang your relationship on.”
The actor was rumored to have cheated on Uma Thurman with the couple’s nanny Ryan Shawhughes, to whom he’s now married.
Hawke says of his marriage to Shawhughes, “My relationship with my present wife is thrilling to me and I’m committed to it.”

However, the star adds, “But neither she nor I know what shape the future will come in. Sexual fidelity can’t be the whole thing you hang your relationship on.”
“If you really love somebody you want them to grow, but you don’t get to define how that happens. They do,” offers Hawke.
The Before Midnight actor goes on to say, “People have such a childish view of monogamy and fidelity. ‘He’s cheated so he’s bad, she’s cheated so she’s bad,’ as opposed to a recognition that our species is not monogamous.”
“To act all indignant, that your world has been rocked because your lover wasn’t faithful to you, is a little bit like acting rocked that your hair went grey,” continues Hawke, who notes, “Human beings are sexual beings.”
What do you think of Hawke’s opinions on relationships?

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