Saturday, December 14, 2013

‘I Would Shove All Live Gays Into A Furnace’ Says Popular Russian Actor

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A popular Russian actor who starred in a TV sitcom similar to “Scrubs” told a packed audience that he would be happy to burn all living gay people alive, by himself.
“I myself would shove all live gays into [a] furnace,” Ivan Okhlobystin (image, above) told his audience in Novosibirsk, Russia’s third-largest city. “This is Sodom and Gomorrah, I as a beliver in God can not treat this indifferently, this is a live threat to my kids!”
“I do not want my kids to think that faggots are normal,” Okhlobystin, who is 47 and a member of the Russian Orthodox Church and a former Russian Orthodox priest, said, according to Queer Russia. “This is lavender fascism. If a person can not choose someone of an opposite sex for procreation – this is an overt sign of mental abnormality, so they should be denied voting rights.”
Attendees, according to Russian news site paid up to 2500 rubles — about $76 U.S. dollars — to hear the actor, director, writer, and one-time presidential candidate speak in what was billed as “Spiritual Discussions.”

Queer Russia adds that Okhlobystin continued the discussion on social media, adding:
For a man there are only two options available to have an attitude toward sodomites: either acceptance or rejection. Given the aggression with which sodomites dictate their will to the world, there can not be some middle way. If you continue to flirt with sodomites, citing the rules of international, civil or criminal law – it means to be cunning and violating the law of God. Putting it simple – to serve the devil. Even non-participation in the solution of this problem is a betrayal of God, whatever numerous and often conflicting “rights” claim. Plus the existence of official organizations which sodomites have in all their forms, from homosexuals to pedophiles – it is a direct insult to the feelings of believers in God, and therefore it should be prosecuted.
This is the culture of anti-gay hate that has been unlocked, unleashed and enabled by Vladimir Putin’s war on gays and anti-gay laws. noted that during the talk, Okhlobystin, clutching rosary beads, answered questions that had been submitted in writing. The actor promised that he would answer any that he had not had time to address in his new book — the proceeds of which he said will go to buy arms for Syria.

Image of Okhlobystin via his Twitter page
Hat tip: Joe.My.God.

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