Saturday, December 14, 2013

With Any Luck, Here's What the iPhone Could Eventually Look Like

The iPad Air is cool, but an iPhone Air? Even cooler.
We still may be a few years away from it, but SET Solutions has given us a glimpse at what a future iPhone may look like—and it's sweet. When looking at the evolution of the iPhone, and smartphones in general, the "Air" generation seems like something Apple will indeed have to create one day. A thin smartphone, such as the one SET Solutions proposes, would help lead us a step away from foldable smartphones, or something even crazier. In order to have nice things like this, we have to get this technology to fit in a space that's as small as possible. That's the hard part.
The company also kept Apple's "C" line going, introducing a concept iPhone 6C, that would see a curved iPhone released in various colors. 
Which one do you like best, or #TeamAndroid?  

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