Friday, December 27, 2013

woman sets world record by running three days STRAIGHT and completing310miles without sleep

At last: Ultra-distance runner Kim Allan sets a new world record by running three days straight and completing 310 miles without sleep

[Dailymail] A mother-of-four has beaten the world record for continuous running after she went without sleep for three days, travelling an incredible 310 miles.
Ultra-distance runner Kim Allan dashed 332 times around a park in Auckland, New Zealand, as she completed her epic feat, smashing the previous women's record of 301 miles.
However, the 47-year-old's supporters did not actually tell her she had passed the milestone set by American Pam Reed for two hours - as they did not want her to stop.

After an unsuccessful attempt to break the record last year, Ms Allan, from Tuakau, was running to raise money for the New Zealand Spinal Trust, and had to deal with both stomach problems and blisters as she battled to compete her epic run.
Her team even cut the top part of her shoes away from her toes to relieve pressure on her aching and blistered feet.

    She started running laps of Auckland Domain at 6am on Thursday, and passed the 301mile mark at 6pm on Sunday, before slowing down to walk the painful last few miles and reaching 310 miles just after 8pm.

    A team of other runners had kept her company, running on and off with her over the three days.
    Supporter Michael Rodliffe said that Ms Allan was not told she had broken Ms Reed's record as they wanted her to reach her 310 mile goal.
    'We didn't want her to give her an excuse to stop,' he told the New Zealand Herald.
    When Ms Allan eventually completed her challenge, 86 hours, 11 minutes and nine seconds after she had started her family took her home so she could take a well-earned rest and catch up on her sleep. 
    As she crossed the line to a large crowd of friends, relieved Ms Allan gave her daughter a hug, was handed two bunches of flowers and received three cheers from the crowd.
    Describing herself as 'overwhelmed', she thanked her friends for their support saying 'I only ran four or five laps by myself over three or four days, I cannot remember.
    Painful: Ms Allan, from Tuakau, was running to raise money for the New Zealand Spinal Trust, and had to deal with both stomach problems and blisters as she battled to compete her epic run
    Painful: Ms Allan, from Tuakau, was running to raise money for the New Zealand Spinal Trust, and had to deal with both stomach problems and blisters as she battled to compete her epic run

    'I always had someone there to support me running or lap counting and looking after me.'
    When asked her thought’s on completing the challenge she replied: 'I haven’t processed this yet, I cannot believe I have, so I haven’t processed it really and I haven’t slept for four days.  I’m really glad I’ve done it and don’t have to do it again.'
    Ms Reed had completed her run in just over 80 hours in 2005.
    A former professional jockey, Ms Allan took up long distance running to help with her rehabilitation after she broke her leg.
    Her support manager Mark Gray said: 'I’m really happy for her.  Last year nothing went her way and she completed 375kms and to come back this year and do it is mind blowing, I just cannot get my head around it, it’s like dreaming.'

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