Monday, January 20, 2014

Franck Ribery and Karim Benzema facing a court on charges of having sexwith an underage prostitute

Neither Bayern Munich winger Ribery or Real Madrid striker Benzema nor call-girl Dehar are expected to attend court in Paris today

Accused: Franck Ribery and Karim Benzema face court today
Accused: Franck Ribery and Karim Benzema face court today

Two of the highest paid stars in European football are today facing a court on charges of having sex with an underage prostitute.
Frenchmen Franck Ribery, 30, and Karim Benzema, 26 - who earn £17million pounds a year between them - deny knowingly paying for sex with Zahia Dehar when she was under 18.
The high-living celebrity lifestyles of footballers and their love lives are expected to come under the spotlight in their trial, which opens in Paris today.
Ms Dehar, now 20, has become one of the most famous names in France since the players were first arrested, and has a new career as a fashion icon, reality TV star, and the muse of designer Karl Lagerfeld.
But neither Bayern Munich winger Ribery or Real Madrid striker Benzema nor call-girl Dehar are expected to attend court.
It will be left to lawyers to argue the case.
Paying for sex is legal in France, but only if all parties involved are more than 18 years old. The maximum sentence for sleeping with an underage prostitute is three years in prison, and a fine of around 40,000 pounds.
It is alleged that Ms Dehar was 17 when she was paid in 2009 to fly from Paris to Munich, where Ribery plays for European Champions Bayern Munich, to sleep with him as a 26th 'birthday treat'.
Carlo Alberto Brusa, Ribery's lawyer, said his client did not know how old Ms Dehar was at the time.
Mr Brusa said today: 'Mr Ribery is a mature person who has faced difficult times. He is as concerned as anyone who finds himself in the criminal justice system, but at the same time calm.'
Mr Dehar is known to have lied about her age to all the footballers she slept with, including Real Madrid forward Benzema, said Mr Brusa.
Ms Dehar has withdrawn as a civil plaintiff in the case, so will not be seeking damages. 'She is not asking for anything,' said Daniel Vaconsin, her barrister.
The trial is going ahead after France's highest court ruled that only those aware that a prostitute was underage can be found guilty of breaking the law.
Ribery's brother-in-law is also charged with soliciting a minor for sex, and five other accused face maximum prison terms of 10 years on charges relating to the case, including 'aggravated pimping'.
Benzema, who is accused of paying for sex with Ms Dehar in a Paris hotel when she was 16, denies that any encounter took place.
Ms Dehar has already testified that she had sex with both players for money after lying to them about her age.

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