Saturday, January 25, 2014

Man Drags Son Into Woods To Perform Exorcism (DETAILS)

Police in Okeechobee County say a father, high on meth and believing his son was possessed, dragged the 11-year-old into the woods to perform an exorcism on him.
“You are the demon, you are the demon,” authorities say Bryan Adamstold his son after taking him from his bedroom. “I know what I must do with you.”
Earlier that day, Adam’s estranged wife said he showed up to her job demanding her car keys and threatening to take the children. Around 3:00 a.m., Adams snatched his son from bed and took him into the thick brush. When police caught up with Adam and the boy, he launched an attack on the officers.
“I then observed Bryan getting up off the ground and lunging at Deputy Hazy. Bryan then turned around and began punching me in the chest with both hands,” said Deputy Leland Schoonmaker. “One wrist did have a handcuff on it and he was swinging it around as he was punching me.”
During the confrontation, police say Adams repeated: “I have to stop the demons. I have to do it.”
He was finally restrained after Deputy Mark Margerum retaliated against the crazed man’s onslaught and “… punched Bryan in the face approximately five times with [his] right hand.”
The boy, fortunately, was unharmed. Police were able to grab him before the melee happened. Now, Adams is being held at the Okeechobee County jail on $170,000 bond.

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