Monday, February 10, 2014

3-Year-Old Boy Shoots 17-Month-Old Sister (VIDEO)

North Carolina parenting columnist Justin Carper is grieving after his 3-year-old son got ahold of his gun and accidentally shot his 17-month-old sister. Thankfully, little Emma is expected to make a full recovery, as the bullet missed all of her vital organs.
Justin Carper, who is a youth church leader said that he never imagined that his son could have climbed on a stool and then taken the gun from a “secret compartment” on top of his dresser.
“When I got the phone call, like any parent would, your heart sinks,” Carper said Thursday night. “We drove straight to the hospital.” “It went through the top of her shoulder,” he explained to the Gaston Gazette. “She was feeding herself using that shoulder, using that arm. The bullet went straight through. You wouldn’t even know. Doctor after doctor have told us that there’s nowhere else the bullet could have gone that would have ended up with this story.” “My mind is pretty much blown,” Carper added.
As of Friday, no charges had been filed against the father.

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