Thursday, February 13, 2014

Gabrielle Union, Beware! Dwyane Wade’s Ex-Wife Accuses Him Of DomesticAbuse, Adultery & Infecting Her With An STD In Explosive Court Documents

Gabrielle Union, Beware! Dwayne Wade's Ex-Wife Accuses Him Of Domestic Abuse
Engagement joy was short-lived for Gabrielle Union, when news that her fiancé Dwyane Wade had fathered a love child broke just days after he popped the question.
But now, as the couple prepare to wed, has uncovered even more disturbing claims about Union’s husband-to-be. In recently filed court documents, his ex-wife and baby mama accuses the NBA star of being a heartless cheat who used to beat her and infected her with an STD!
Wade’s ex, Siohvaughn Wade, made the shocking claims in a series of court documents obtained by Radar, as the former couple continues to try to untangle themselves from their messy divorce and custody battle.
According to Siohvaughn, Wade revealed a different side to her shortly after they wed on May 18, 2002. “I had known that Dwyane Wade had a temper and could become violent at times,” she claims in the documents, “but when we moved out of my mother’s home … into our own apartment with our infant son, the violence increased. This, however, was just the surface of the domestic violence Dwayne Wade would inflict upon me.”
“As Dwyane Wade’s income increased,” she claims, “his arrogance and pride increased as well. Dwyane Wade began to call me derogatory names more, throw things at me, hit me, take all my money from me, and even kicked me out of the house causing me not to have a place to live. … As a means of controlling me, and as part of Dwyane Wade’s domestic violence pattern, he would often hit me, lock me in rooms and not allow me out, threaten to take my sons from me and frighten me by telling me he knows judges and that they are on his pay roll and he can take the children from me at any time he wanted. The domestic violence and abuse continued on for several years in our family.”
Wade has denied the accusations and is suing Siohvaughn for defamation in another case.
“I tried to leave Dwyane Wade, but when I did, he made sure I did not have access to my own home and he cut off all my bankcards and denied me access to any money,” she continues. “This exerting of power and control has continued to this day.”
In one incident, she claims, “He picked up a garbage can made of marble stone and threw it at me. Dwyane Wade picked me up into the air above his head and slammed me down onto a large ottoman with such force that the ottoman broke into pieces when he slammed my body on it and banged my head against a marble bathroom floor.”
“Subsequently,” she claims, “I ended up having to be rushed to the emergency room of Christ Hospital andspent an entire week hospitalized.”
But it was about to get even worse. Siohvaughn claims in the documents that she discovered Dwyane was cheating on her, and when she got tested for STDs, she says shefound out that he had given her one. Shortly after, on May 27, 2008, Dwyane filed for divorce.
“The marriage has ended but Dwyane Wade’s abuse has not ceased,” Siohvaughn claims in the documents, “and through the court system he continues to use his money and influence to exert power and control over me.”
Indeed, Siohvaughn claims that Dwyane gave her attorney hundreds of thousands of dollars to accept a settlement that she did not approve.
As part of that settlement, she was awarded the couple’s marital home in Illinois, but ordered to refinance the mortgage on the property. She has since failed to do so and has fallen behind on payments. (She claims she was denied by several banks for the refinancing.)
Dwyane filed a motion to find her in contempt for letting the home fall risk to foreclosure​, but Siohvaughn filed new documents last month explaining that she simply could not afford it. Adding to her financial troubles, she claims, various companies with which Dwyane has endorsements have failed to deposit his earnings into a court-ordered mutual account, instead routing the money straight to the NBA star in what she calls a “conspiracy.”
The judge was persuaded to side with Siohvaughn, denying Dywane’s motion to find her in contempt.
Both sides will meet in court on February 28 to discuss selling the home or refinancing.

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