Sunday, February 09, 2014

Meet The Lady Allergic To Sex.. PHOTO

50-year-old Leonie Blackwell found out she was allergic to semen at the age of 23.

Leonie who suffers from a rare illness, Human Seminal Plasma Hypersensitivity, which causes burning, swelling, pain and irritation during sexual intercourse had to stay away from sex which also ended her marriage.
Sharing her painful experience, she said, "It began when I was 23 years old. I had no idea what was causing such pain, swelling and burning. I really needed a doctor to give me answers and when they couldn't, it compounded the experience. I went on in search of answers. Sadly when none were forthcoming I was told it was in my head.

She finally found a gynaecologist who had answers to her problem. He was the one who informed her she had an allergy to her semen and sadly told her he had no way of treating it. She had to live with it for the rest of her life.
The doctor also suggested she use condoms, but the latex created an allergic reaction of its own.
She lived with constant pain for seven years and four months, and in the eight years after her diagnosis, a product came out on the market in Australia that switched off her auto-immune systems response and thanks to the product she is well today with no signs of having Seminal Plasma Hypersensitivity anymore.

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