Thursday, March 20, 2014

Not Again! Bill Clinton Named In Sex Scandal Lawsuit That Could Crush Hillary’s Presidential Run

Bill Clinton has friends in low places — and it could shatter wife Hillary‘s presidential dreams once and for all! The former philandering president has been named in one-time pal Jeffrey Epstein‘s sleazy sex lawsuit, has learned, and the allegations are disturbing.
According to court documents obtained by the National ENQUIRER, “Clinton traveled on Epstein’s private jet numerous times and partied on a Caribbean island owned by Epstein, who served 13 months for soliciting a minor for prostitution.”
Epstein was convicted of that crime in 2008, but the details of his raunchy escapades — and the exact nature of his relationship with Clinton — have surfaced yet again as part of an ongoing legal dispute between him and Palm Beach attorneys Scott Rothstein and Bradley Edwards.
The ENQUIRER obtained court documents from that case, and “The former president’s name pops up dozens of times in the recently filed papers,” according to the report.
In one section, for example, there is allegedly a transcript of a telephone interview that includes a reference to the former President.
“When you were present with Jeffrey Epstein and Bill Clinton on [Epstein's] island, who else was there?” a woman asked.
Another woman answered naming two other females and said “And there was [sic] two young girls … [at] about 4 or 5 different villas” plus a “main house.”
Asked whether “sexual orgies” were “a regular occurrence on the island,” the woman answered in the affirmative.
The documents do not accuse Clinton of taking part, but flight logs filed with the court show that he traveled on Epstein’s plane several times between 2002 and 2005, according to the ENQUIRER. Epstein’s personal directory also allegedly shows email addresses for Clinton and 21 phone numbers for him. The phone transcript also reportedly included references to “favors” Clinton owed Epstein.
In short, a source claims, Clinton’s wife Hillary’s enemies will have a “field day” with the new court documents if she decides to run for President in 2016. The source tells NE, “Hilary will be toast!”
For more on Epstein’s “pervert” activities and why Clinton’s relationship with him may have ended abruptly, pick up the latest copy of the ENQUIRER, on stands Thursday!

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