A popular Russian actor who starred in a TV sitcom similar to “Scrubs” told a packed audience that he would be happy to burn all living gay people alive, by himself.
“I myself would shove all live gays into [a] furnace,” Ivan Okhlobystin (image, above) told his audience in Novosibirsk, Russia’s third-largest city. “This is Sodom and Gomorrah, I as a beliver in God can not treat this indifferently, this is a live threat to my kids!”
“I do not want my kids to think that faggots are normal,” Okhlobystin, who is 47 and a member of the Russian Orthodox Church and a former Russian Orthodox priest, said, according to Queer Russia. “This is lavender fascism. If a person can not choose someone of an opposite sex for procreation – this is an overt sign of mental abnormality, so they should be denied voting rights.”
Attendees, according to Russian news site NEWS.NG.ru paid up to 2500 rubles — about $76 U.S. dollars — to hear the actor, director, writer, and one-time presidential candidate speak in what was billed as “Spiritual Discussions.”