Monday, November 11, 2013

The Brymo vs Chocolate City War Is Far From Over. Both PartiesDeadlocked, In Court Today

You may have heard that Brymo left record label Chocolate City in May, while still under contract.
A few weeks ago he released an album with his new team, but by law he is still a Chocolate City artiste, thus the album is technically theirs & he is in breach of his contract, so Chocolate City hit him with a lawsuit, and he went on a twitter rant.
Since then both sides have been in talks, but last night Brymo’s team released a statement which basically said accusing Chocolate City of Bad Faith.

“On the 30th of October 2013, a meeting was held between Brymo, his Management and representatives of Chocolate City at the Chocolate City office.
This was one of many prior attempts at reaching a mutually acceptable resolution of the conflict between the Artiste and the Record Label.
After deliberations at the meeting, certain terms were agreed between the parties and Chocolate City promised to capture the terms in an agreement to be signed by both parties.
A few days later, Chocolate City sent in a plan with terms which were not reflective of the deliberations and agreements at the said meeting. A similar occurrence had taken place in June when lawyers representing Chocolate City promised to hand Brymo a Statement of Release from the label on the condition that he would give up his (#SonOfaKapenta) album to the label.
The artiste had insisted that Chocolate City has no right to the work as he still possessed the rights to the work and the lawyers had failed to provide the release even after Brymo agreed to give up the said album.
Please note that the artiste’s initial decision to release his work/ earnings was done in good faith and with a desire to reach an amicable settlement. It is becoming apparent that Chocolate City is not acting in the same spirit of good faith.
The artiste elected to sever relationships with Chocolate City in May 2013 when Chocolate City consistently failed to fulfill its obligations under the contract. And rather than resolve amicably, the label is devising strategies to ensure that the Artiste remains unproductive.
Brymo asserts that under the circumstances of the creation, nature, execution and implementation of his contract with Chocolate City, he is well within his rights as an Artiste and if no amicable resolution is reached, will be willing to defend same under the provision of the Law.”

Brymo is an amazingly talented artiste & I feel really sorry for him, but sentiments aside artistes in Nigeria need to understand that a contract is binding. You can’t just have disregard for the law by walking out on a contact…there are consequences to this.
I hope Brymo has a good lawyer cos Chocolate City look like they could win this.
Both parties are due in court today.

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