Tuesday, October 08, 2013

TOP 20 Phobias People May Have While Travelling by Air

The list below contains top 20 secret fears of people who board a plane. Most of the things mentioned are not actually going to happen ever! ...but they could. In any case, please don't take this list too seriously.
1. The plane's wings might fall off, sending you spiraling to your doom on a deserted island.
2. The lavatory might be broken, thereby forcing you to hold your pee until landing.
3. The airline forgot to board snacks and drinks.

4. Your organs might get sucked to the depths of the lavatory toilet if you sit on it.
5. The pilot might have a heart attack.
6. You might be given 5.2 seconds to tear apart your seat and extract that magical floatation device we've heard so much about.
7. One really allergic guy might suffer a peanut-induced hyperventilation spasm mid-flight.
8. The person next to you might vomit all over your lap.
9. The little breathing masks might fall from the ceiling like in the videos. And you will have NO idea what to do.
10. You might encounter a maggot in the sandwich the airline provides.
11. The sweaty guy next to you might fart.
12. That adorable baby you're playing peek-a-boo with might morph into a flesh-eating zombie and devour the captain and crew.
13. You might get asked to switch so a mother and daughter can sit together but then end up seated next to the smelliest man who ever roamed the Earth.
14. You might get served warm Coke.
15. The lock in the lavatory might break while you're in it, and you might be stuck in there for the WHOLE REST OF THE TIME.
16. You might forget to turn your cell phone off, causing the plane to careen downwards mere seconds after taking off.
17. You might contract an incurable disease from the recycled air that shoots through the tiny vents.
18. You might have to vomit in a bag.
19. You might fall out.
20. A snake can be discovered on board of the plane..... Lol!

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